Let Go of Living for A Future~5th Dimensional Consciousness



You invest in a Future, you buy things that keep you tied to working for the future. You become locked in, so to speak, as slavery to a future, that never arrives.  Your beliefs may tell you that logically, you are waiting, for that day, for that retirement, for that relationship. For those things you believe will arrive in the future, that will allow you to  relax. Then everything will be ok. Then, everything will be perfect.

The maintenance for these beliefs, keep you tied to work, keep you tied to keeping up with the Jones’s, so to speak. Keep you in 3D. Next thing you know you have spent many years waiting, and now it seems you have aged. You now invest in surgeries, and everything you can find, to cover up your naturally aging body, and what is, so that you can keep up your belief in your desires to arrive in the future. If I look great, then I will get that relationship, then I can free myself from this concern, then I can relax and Live the life I desire.

What happens when you live for the future, is it never arrives. And you miss out in the Purpose of Being here on Planet Earth. There is no government to blame, or no victim status to claim as yours.

YOUR Soul has allowed ALL Situations that you exist in NOW that you call your life, to be in Every MOMENT The Very Platform ~ of your Arrival. Of your Awakening, Of your Acceptance. Of Your Unconditional Love. There is nothing to wait for ~ EVER. It is Now, it is Now, It is Now.

Free yourself from the 3D hope for a future, that never arrives. And Love yourself Now. Accept all things Now. It is up to you to loosen the grip that you have to your attachments to the future. Ask yourself what are you maintaining if you continue to hold on to the future? Yet, it is all perfect, isn’t it? I accept I am holding on to the Beliefs in a future. I accept I have not accepted the gift of Being here on Earth. I accept I still haven’t arrived. And I accept I can arrive in any moment that I choose.

If you Desire FREEDOM, let go of all that is not NOW. Let go of all that you desire that is not NOW. And stop waiting. And simply Be. Be Present. Be acceptance. Be Allowing. Be Self Love. Be ~ Now.


Eternal Love and Bliss!




Posted on October 18, 2015, in Alchemical Transfiguration, Alchemy, Awakening, Conscious Creation, I Am Presence, Living in Your Heart, Love, Present Moment Awareness, Pure Being, The Pleiadians and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Marja Thibaudier

    💜Wow Wow Wow💜💜 YES💜 We sometimes drift off💜 Thank you L’Aura💜 Great

  2. Thank you, L’Aura!! Profound and it arrived in the perfect moment for me. I love you, always and forever. Deepest gratitude. ❤️

Are You Feeling it? Love always, L'Aura